Four Guidelines For Measuring Culture

Culture metrics are an essential part of the culture change journey. They are the only reliable way to know if your culture improvement efforts are working, to see how far down the road your organisation has come. They are also the most tangible way in which you can report back on this journey to others.
How To Keep Your Team Engaged With Their Work

Contemplate for a moment how often you have observed capable people failing to deliver up to a standard reflective of their potential. Have you seen people behaving in ways that clearly undermine their success?
Why Your Presentation Skills Are The Keys To Employee Engagement

Yet, the majority of the time, our presentations are bland and boring, and the only impact they have is to get staff running for the doors (if they haven’t already fallen asleep in their seats).
Is Love The Answer To Win Your Employees’ Loyalty?

What are the real drivers of human engagement in the workplace?
What are those things that consistently inspire people to fully commit themselves to their jobs and willingly scale mountains for their bosses and organisations?
Revitalising Digital Learning: How HR Can Enhance User Engagement

The imparting of knowledge comes in many forms to cater to the varying styles of learning. Traditional classroom methods dominated the learning landscape in the 20th century, while e-learning mediums emerged in the mid-2000s.
Don’t Underestimate the Impact of Disengaged Employees

Above all, employees need to feel valued and part of the plan. This is yet another irony because the fact is, people generally like to work collaboratively towards a shared purpose and are more productive when they feel included and are doing so.
How to Create Intentional Change in Your Organisation

How do leaders create the kind of sustainable change that builds engagement, increases morale, and nurtures the kind of culture that allows their organisation to flourish?
Why 25-minute Meetings are the Key to Increased Organisational Productivity

In most organisations, an employee’s success (or failure) is measured against key performance indicators (KPIs). There are no KPIs for ‘attending ineffective meetings’, yet there is an expectation that people will do just that, on top of getting their task-driven KPIs done.
Micromanage If You Want Zero Engagement

Am I really being the best leader I can be, or am I just being the leader I’ve always been?
New Norms of Working: Driving Engagement in a Virtual World

As the culture of remote working continues to be the norm, our research has shown that there are some negative outcomes that organisations need to address.