Don’t Care For People (If)

The role we are focusing on this week is that of being a People-Feeler. Because leaders work through people, there is no escaping the reality of dealing with real-life feelings.
Unconscious Bias Training Across Cultures

How does an organisation that is committed to providing unconscious bias training to its managers and executives on a global basis overcome the serious cultural and societal differences in the dimensions and meaning of diversity found around the globe?
Mandarin Literacy For The 21st Century Workforce

What do employers look for when they are hiring? These days, in addition to all the usual soft skills and job-specific competencies, the answer seems to include ‘Mandarin speakers’.
A Recipe for Effective Job Creation

The world is facing unprecedented levels of unemployment. Some say 2021 will be worse as the economic effects of the 2020 lockdowns come into full effect. Millions lost their jobs, and many more will still as lockdowns persist.
What To Do If You’re Being Micro-Managed

As the pace of change increases, the boss has less and less time available to figure out what everyone else should be doing and delegate instructions.
Dealing with Urgency Fatigue

In order to stay competitive in a fast-paced, complex marketplace, many businesses push their people to do more with less. Less budget, less resources and unfortunately less time.
3 Methods to Tap Into Your Employees’ Intrinsic Motivation

Understanding and identifying intrinsic motivation is another tool in the HR armoury to defend such pillars as culture and performance.
Listen to Neuroscience to Build a Healthy Workplace

An innovative, creative, financially thriving workplace that supports excellent teamwork and workforce wellbeing is critical and yet can be elusive.
Creating and Delivering Value to Customers

The topic of change and transformation is an interesting one because change is certain to happen to everyone throughout their career.
How Communication Drives Digital Employee Engagement

Digital or not, leaving your employees in the dark is never a good idea.